Thursday, July 14, 2005

Humans at its best

Probably we'll never ever notice this. But we are quite adept in hiking up the price value of ourselve in a subconcious way. We just can't help but feel that we are the more braver of the most, or the most outspoken among the masses. We justify these by benchmarking ourselves against most of the weaker mass and filtering off the exceptional ones, with the few actions that we did, that comform to these value that we would like to promote ourselve with and at the same time, we blantantly close our eye against our very own actions that contradict whatever value that we are trying to sell ourselve as, simply chucking it into the recycle bin and emptying it. So, whenever we are bringing up the subject of our value within this and that of a exploit, we conveniently remember the memorable ones and completely disregard the undesirable ones.

This is how the world works anyway. This is how some people in the society grew. By being convenient. By being cunningly smart. But this is how the voices of discontent grew too. By wondering why are there leaders so able to paint such wonderful pictures of themselves and yet, still able to dip their fingers into the dark murky water of the filth pit.

You might nod your head in agreement reading this. Agreeing that yes, these people are too pompous and self thinking and deserve to live another life as the little caterpillar that you squish for fun. But then again, you could be guilty as what was written above beforehand. You've judged before you've even search through your mind of whether you are just like those people that is being painted above. You're guilty too. Everyone is.

See. There's no such phenomenon as a perfect person in the world. It's all bullshit. Adam King is not as perfect as seen in the advert. And no, the McD burger is never that enticing as the ones in the television. It's all a sham. People are just like that. They will advertise themselve as tasty, fresh, wholesome, nutritious, colorful, etc. just to end up disappointing every Tom, Dick, and Harry that you can find in the street.

We are the person of two faces capable of going both side of a ruler anytime. It's a matter of balancing it and realising that we can never be so pure into a certain such value that we can grandiosely proclaim to everyone that we are the bravest of all in the land. or the most creative one of all. or the most thoughtful of all. or even the most sensitive of all.

But face it. We are a very peculiar creature. We contradict ourselve sometimes even within the very same one sentence that we used. It's just human nature. To show the grand and to hide the rotten.


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