Monday, July 18, 2005

You got mail

Hey Ngiam,

Can we not do this anymore? This useless idling. Total waste of time. So rooted to your seat that if you disapate into the thin air, no one will bother to notice.

Tell me, what've you learned today? What've you done? Wasting all you time onto unproductive activities. Stunting your mind and body alike. Midget!!

What's the point? Why? Nothing is going to wait for you. The wonderful forest air that you like so much, you're not getting it if you're fortifying yourself.

So what have grown better? The world? even if it is so, you have not grown at all. And even if the world has really indeed grown better, you've played no part in it.

You've come out to a new phase of life now. There's this fresh air of change. Move up the food chain now. Eat that tiger. After all, you're suppose to be the top of it. Not the bug at the bottom.

Come on, you can do it. You've been on a downward spiral for the past few years, just like Liverpool winning the European Cup, you gotta start to push yourselve up.

Don't leave your ass lying around the floor anymore. No one will going to be giving you a good kick anymore. From now on, you are responsible for your own ass. Kick it yourself.

So what now? You know yourself. How do you want the world to be serve to you? On your goddamn ass? a silver platter? or do you want to grasp under your hand with your famous evil grin? Decide now. Right now there's only one thing that is waiting for you and that is you yourselve.

You hope to see a difference in your action soon. Failing to do so, we might induce self battering to encourage further changes. You've been warned.

Thank you for your time.

Jabatan Pemantauan Ketidakgunaan Ngiam.


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