Thursday, October 07, 2004

[A] It's so easy!

Sometimes we tend to take some words that we use in our daily life for granted. like easy.

It's so easy!

Without even touching a steering wheel of a car or a brake pedal. We say to everyone, "it's so easy!"

Just by looking at the plumber fixing our pipe. We declare to everyone that, "It's so easy, and the next time i'll easily fix it."

Just by staring at what sport that our friend struggling to be playing. We tell everyone that,"it's such an easy sport, i can easily play it"

But the question here is, can we do it when the time comes? Is everything so easily done/learned/accomplished just by merely looking at it?

It's strange how we tend to take things for granted. How "so sure" we are of ourselves. But sometimes it's not as easy as it sounds.

When it comes to the moment when you are to take to the steering wheel, you will still have the moment of hesitation. you are unsure of which pedal could be the brake or the accelerator. you are unsure of which gear is suitable for which condition. there's so many things that you'll be unsure.

The same goes to the plumbing story. you are unsure of which pipe that you must look for(when u are fixing it yourselve). or whether which pipe is in need of fixing.

All these comes with experiencing and learning. not by looking and declaring to the whole wide world, "it's so easy!"