Monday, December 20, 2004

A Book of Two Covers

If there's one thing that I hate about people, it's the fact that they judge without acquiring more knowledge about the things concern.

It's even easy to go around judging someone listening just to the words of one person. But like a book which is never without two covers, a story is without two sides.

[A] Troubles

Know what i hate?


Troubles that you don't have but is created by people who thought that you should have this trouble.

And in the end, you need to solve a problem that you don't have in the first place because someone feels that you should have these troubles.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

[A] Quotes

"We are after all, our very own judge, jury, prosecutioner and executioner."

"We understand ourselve best, we want others to understand us,and we like to think that we understand others."

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

[A] Quotes.

"We are oblivious to things that we never want to see, attentive only to things that we want to hear."

"We believe that always, we and our cronies are the special ones even though there are others are even more so."

Monday, December 13, 2004

[A] Dream

(Further evidence on where my apparent evil streak comes from.)

Summary of what i can still remember:

1. Was with a girl i can't remember.
2. Planning a bomb sabotage against someone i can't remember.
3. Somehow we know they knew about our plan but still we continue(talk about dumb dreams)
4. Got found out, rush to the harbor. (it looks a little like those hong kong harbors)
5. Got onto a small sampan that is flooded nearly 3/4 but still it works.
6. Reached a ship where you are suppose to jump across a vast space to reach the ship(why don't that sampan just go by the side of the ship?)
7. Managed to jump across in an extraordinary way while the rest fails.(at least i'm the main actor for once)
8. on board, pirates and gambling.
9. Someone called me. back to reality.