Thursday, April 20, 2006


Mindless toil.All too wanton to forgive.Endless senseless politeness.Neverending confusion.Inept ingrates.

Monday, April 17, 2006


Pencukur misai : Lobak jingga yang diumpankan pada arnab itu, tidak dimakannya.

Pengetip kuku : Mengapa agaknya?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Difference between the real thing and the wannabes

Some people convert their car engine till such lighting speed that it can't help making noise.

Some people modify their car's noise level so that it appear fast.

Friday, April 07, 2006

A place where Siva can be Hero

Well, you guys have heard about the lull before the storm before. Here's another one.

Yeah, some of the conversation were a lil lame. I was rushing this in before my holiday in Terengganu. Just so that you poor lonely people out there can have something to stare at, during work hours. Suckers!!

Editted : for all you guys who can't really read the above picture. Press the picture for enlargement. If you have just realised you have been missing a brain all along, you can check for it by digging it out through your earhole.