Sunday, July 23, 2006

The difference between passion and reality

From now on, I am to refrain from investing my time and effort onto things and activities in which I'm passionate for, but already know that I lack the skill and will in the end, be there just to make up the number.

Godamn the world. Roger and out.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Why being a Guava Seller is never such a bad option

Why is that, when you go around letting everyone know about your increasingly happy working atmosphere without dwelling onto the fact that you spend an increasingly longer hour at work till 9pm, all thoughts that could cross other people's mind is that : "You get to go back at 430pm everyday... that's why you're so goddamn happy!"

In the end, it gets you thinking. Is this what working is suppose to be? Is that what we're expected to say? Beating our chest around, directly mentioning our supposed late working escapade, failing which will (and must) give everyone else the impression that you're this useless parasite slug who goes back at 5pm everyday?

So is this what people termed as working impression?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The link between my childhood and World Cup

I still remember my primary school years, when we have this ceremony like thingy at the end of our primary six years to celebrate our graduation to high school.

One of the thing that I can still vividly remember till now was what happenned at the very last moment of the ceremony. The moment when every kid around the area where I sat suddenly decided to cry en massed.

Confused kid : Ngiam, why aren't you crying? Won't you miss school?
Ngiam : Yeah, but not until to that extent. (I will admit that my English wasn't that great but I replied something with a similiar meaning)
Confused kid : You're not trying hard enough! Look at my eyes! I've managed to cry a few tears (I remember this well, this is the part where I was shown the one precious tear of the said person and as if to emphasize on the point of crying = love school, the tear was deliberately left to trickle down that gay boy's cheek)

There you have it. A bunch of kids collectively believing that crying is the only viable option to show your love for the school that you're going to depart, and with no other way, you'll have to generate tears to show it.

And here you have it too, with World Cup fever reaching it's penultimate best, everyone will want to have a piss of it. Everyone will have a say at the end of it.

Everyone will be World Cup expert, regardless of their knowledge base. And everyone at the end of tomorrow, will tell you that, it was them... all along, who have been supporting Italy/France (strike off whichever is the loser) since their childhood years, quoting to the effect, the name of some obscure French/Italian footballer's name to prove their point. And it was them who have told you all along that secretly they believe that Italy/France will win the WC, witholding only because of you fervent support of other much more supported team.

Then unexpectedly, sudden as they appear, they disappear. And believe me, you'll see 'em again in 2008.

Welcome to the world of bandwagon jumpers.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Does recycling really is going to save the world?

Ever heard of this song?

"Happy B'day to you, You're born in the zoo, etc...."

It really sounds like something ingenuous among your peers at the age of 5.

But once these very verses starts coming out from people with an age of over 20, it gives you this deep feeling of lameness that won't satisfactorily go away unless you plummel the "Mat Lame"'s head inside out with your fist.

Same like the other stories/jokes/jargons/buzzword/witty remark/witty etc. that keep on doing its rounds repeatedly these days.

There's this border that separates lameness and being clever. And recycling expired stories/jokes/jargons/buzzword/witty remark/witty etc. certainly doesn't belong in the "being clever" category.

So if you idiots out there would like to sound intelligent, please for once, make up your own stories/jokes/jargons/buzzword/witty remark/witty etc., and please, spare me the agony of forcing a halfsmile every time you start pouring these recycled materials out.