Friday, July 29, 2005

Idiots Everywhere I Go

I was driving mynfaithful kancil the other day on the LDP highway when apprroaching the customary choking point (near the church) and seeing so many braking lights in front of me, I applied the brake and nonchalantly look around. You know? When you have nothing better to do in the midst of a goddamn jam, you look everywhere except your own leg pressing the brake pedal.

That's when I sawga car (dismembering the physical outlook of the car comes later) coming from the other lane, still speeding. High on the flyover where you can see a mass of unmoving cars far down below. With all the RED BRAKE LIGHTS flashing the word STOP straight into your face. Maybe he was just testing his turbo or something on a crowded highway, who knows. Maybe he did tried to use his head light to highlight the last car of the 1 km long line of unmoving car with no visible effect(I'm giving benefit of doubt here).

But at the lastimoment, the idiot(note:i'm starting to be bias now) brake. Heavily. With all those sound and swerve effect that always certainly comes in a package along with an idiotic driver. And (un)thankfully, he managed to stop in time. But within seconds, as if it wasn't enough openly displaying to all drivers on the LDP, the idiot decided to further amplify his idioticity. With as much fanfare as his braking stunt just now, the idiot gassed his car to emit some kind of attention attracting sound and stuntily (such word?)swerve into my lane and swerve back to overtake ONE car just as the cars started to trudge their way down the highway.

Yupz, unbelieveable achievement. Youajust make your idiotic journey faster by 1 second. Dimwit. And so, like every other ethical driver out there, I decided to trail that idiot to express my approval of his show of twitness with my middle finger(no I didn't). And surprise surprise, he was going around my neighborhood. So I pass the much cursed black proton wira (wannabe some kind of cool racing car which I can't asscertain) and took a look at the driver and the passenger.

He was blonde. Allmgold. His passenger too. And right now, I would like to argue against the assertion that bloonde girls are dumb? After today, they deserve much more than this. Blonde guys are the epitome of a perfect dumb ass. And when you have two of them idiots together, their idiotness level is amplify by a factor of 7.6(guesstimation here).

As a trivia, try deciphering the number plate of the car below:

BANGLA without ANA means that fifo will not eat wantan mee and continue mining for true gold.


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