Thursday, October 06, 2005


2006 : Pedestrian Act 1a. Emperor Ngiam legalized the running over of mindless pedestrian providing that vehicle is traveling at 30km/h on a proper road and predestrian is walking/slugging nonchalantly in the middle of the road.

2007 : Loopholes in the act where drivers driving at a speed of more than 30km/h were found running over pedestrian in an indiscrimative way. Nationwide protest with nearly 100,000 citizens at the gates of the palace.

End of 2007 : Castration of protesters. No further protest.

2009 : Camera Act. It was made compulsory for all cars to install live camera at the front to prevent the abuse of Pedestrian Act 1a.

2011 : Enactment of Pedestrian Act 1c. Drivers are allowed to run over mindless pedestrian 3 times over if they are found to be still alive after initial collision.

2020 : Numbers of citizens in Ngiamville was found to be decreasing.

2030 : Number of citizens in Ngiamville stabilized and starts to increased.

2050 : Average IQ of Ngiamville citizens was found to be unbelieveably higher than the norm.

2051 : Research done by world reknown scientist attributed the Pedestrian Act as the cause of the high average IQ phenomenon .

2052 : Emperor Ngiam was hailed and worshipped as GOD for his far reaching vision for forever eradicating the scrounge of the gene pool called dumb.


Blogger The Who said...

err..., what does the emperor plan to do with the ladies driver....

please sir, don't castrate me for asking

6:48 AM  

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