Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I always have this hate for drivers with this "Namo Amitabha" sticker at the back of their car. It's as if that with the sticker stuck on their car, it gives them drive in a dangerous manner on the road as it is suppose to offer em some kind of invisibility protection. Yeah, I've blogged this before. Somewhere in my archive. And no, I'm too lazy to link it. Search it out yourselve.

True to the spirit of cars with "Namo Amitabha" stickers, right before my very eyes, the owner of a Waja with such sticker decided to show that his way of life according to a certain faith is to blatantly litter the road with tissues (not one piece, a few. and no, i don't know why he threw em out) and then continues talking nonchalantly to his children in his car.

Littering. In from of your children. Well, yeah a perfect parenting example. Teach your children to litter everywhere eh? Well, for your sake, I hope that your children really take up this littering habit from you. One of these days, they'll pop some estacy into their mouth and throw the accompanying plastic onto the roadside besides Ming Tien food court. And you, yes you the owner of the car mentioned!! stepping off your wonderful silvery Waja which you have just double parked at the area, will step onto that slippery plastic bag. And you will fortunately fall onto the curb hitting the part where a VCD ah beng managed to achieved self gratification the previous night. With that well aimed fall, you shall contract syphilis. After that you shall live happily ever after for 25 years before you die and wonderful natural death.

After that you shall be reborn as a tortoise. And on your 2 tortoise year, you are hauled off from sungai penchala and made into the tasty tortoise soup sold somewhere in SS2.

And yes, Namo Amitabha to you too.

Note: Please read this entry properly. No insults are meant to any religion here. Only a rant onto some imbecile who thought that he's going to achieve some kind of pure living condition or something. And yeah, if you ever see the mentioned car, spare a thought for the general public, ram your vehicle (preferbly something huge) onto this car and spare everyone the misery.


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