Monday, January 02, 2006

Train and Cars

I'm going to talk in riddles again. Understand it in your own way. The gist is somewhere in there, search it out yourselve.

There are many ways of reaching a certain destination. By air, train, car, walking etc. That goes for how we form our opinions on certain subjects.

We can be like a train. Putra-LRT for example. In order to reach Asia Jaya from Taman Paramount, there is only one way that leads to it. And from Asia Jaya onwards, the track will only leads to one destination, which is Taman Jaya.

We can also be like a car. Take the very same Asia Jaya as the focal point. Before reaching Asia Jaya, we could have came from Shah Alam, Tasik Bera or Pasir Mas. We have a choice of different routes to get to Asia Jaya. And from Asia Jaya onwards, we can choose to find our way to Ipoh, Kuantan or even Kangar.

I met a train recently. And I was disappointed. No. Not of the train. But of myself.

I should have gave in to my instinct to crush the train at that very moment. But NO, I choose the most idiotic reply ever. I did a Gandhi onto myself and talk like a peace loving dove with the care to not to indirectly point out that the train friend of mine have a brain with a filling of a McD's pineapple pie.

Damn. I need more evil.


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