Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Which one?

A person who did this cause the person wants to be known as that and a person who's that, that is why that person did this.

Which one?

A person who did this cause the person wants to be known as that and a person who's that, that is why that person did this.

The ending

I'm curious, what is it that is suppose to be flooding down right now?

Strange that after five years, it'll end with this dot here. a full stop. just like that.
No thoughtful thoughts. Bittersweet separation. or even an acrimonious parting shot. (like those cowboy movies where this fella is supposely dead, just to wake up at the end of the show and shoot your ass off)

I guess this show will have to end this way then. With a loud *bomp* sound. Just like a person walking along the street, and hit his head hard onto an ah beng's specially modified "on the top of the car"'s exhaust pipe.

And after that, only darkness.


Sunday, March 27, 2005

Seems so right

Somehow this song seems quite right for this phase of life that will be left behind;

Oasis - Don't Look Back in Anger

Friday, March 25, 2005


He looked at the little puppy, staring back. Just on top of its head, stood the red lips of the picture frame. It's been a while, a lone while.

He gave the little puppy a pat on its head that befits its longing look. And let out a huge sigh.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Argh, should really start learning how to link properly.

I just don't understand some people out there. Are they out to create a fuss out, just for the kicks of it? have they used their brain before voicing out their opinions? It just show how narrow minded some people out there. Stupid brainless people who just can't see the main motive of the advert.

It's an advert regarding peoples attitude. People of all races does the same thing, it's just that for the sake of that advert, an actor have to come from somewhere. If people were to hold such views regarding the races of people who acts in adverts, there'll be no point making such adverts anymore. Anyone of any race who act in such advert will provoke the same issue. Can they see that?

When you start looking at a Malaysian as a Chinese Malaysian or Indian Malaysian or Malay Malaysian, it proves that you are the problem in this issue.

Monday, March 21, 2005


Useful. Yeps. It is.

If you think this is going to be a post that compliments friendster, think again.

One of the reason why i haven't been taking this friendster thingy seriously is because it is a farce. It's almost like a popularity contest out there for those idiots.

I can fathom a reason, why would anyone IN THEIR RIGHT MIND will want to approve a meaningless testimonial such as:

(well i'm not good at these, so i'll try to do word description)
1. [ teddy bears, made out of 111 000 222 etc.... u get the bloody pic]
2. [ love shape, made out of 111 000 222 etc.... u get the bloody pic]
3. mundane conversation that you type out through MSN, such as "Hi how are you there?",
" I've nothing better to do right now, so i thought of dropping by just to say hi"]

Well, shout fire. And set your dimwit head on fire cause teddy bears shape and love shape is such a waste of space. It doesnt tell anything and it's so bloody uninteresting. EVeryone have one. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.

Stop approving useless mundane conversation. Use EMAIL and MSN.

If it's a matter of having more testimonial to attract more attention, don't worry, i've all of it figured out. Buy a can of petrol. And a lighter. Pour the petrol onto YOUR head(cause you wanted the attention, remember?). Light the lighter. And just leave the whole thing on your petrol hair.


Emoti WHAT?!?

One thing that i hate when i talk to people through MSN is the inappropriate use of emoticons.
It's allright with me when someone answers something MEANINGFUL with the emoticons. The emoticons being used as a tool to represent people's feeling together with that sentence.

It gets criminal for me when someone answers with only the emticons.

Ngiam= Hey, you heard about that circus? it's damn cool.
MOFO= :)
Ngiam= Say the elephant in there looks like you.
Ngiam = Wanna go watch?
MOFO= :}

Well, it continues. I can imagine what would happen if i were to join them at their own game.

Ngiam = :)
MOFO = (picture of a stupid yellow idiotic looking emoticon scratching its head)
Ngiam = (pic of a donkey humping the trunk of an elephant)
MOFO = (pic of an idiotic yellow emoticon showing its horror face)
Ngiam = (pic of a donkey humping the trunk of an elephant)
MOFO = (pic of a still idiotic emoticon turned green in shyness)
Ngiam = (more pic of a donkey humping the trunk of an elephant)

Yeah, if you piss me enough with those idiotic emoticons, we'll have an emoticon only conversation that'll serve no purpose at all.

Now, if you would just leave me alone while i look for that pic......

Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Aftermath

God, i'm not going to do this again. Ever.

List of casualities;
painful knee joint
strain thigh
even strain thigh joint
killer wrist
exhausted mind
skin color to match the darkest person you can find.
The most numbest butt that you won't feel a thing when someone starts groping you.

There come a time when some people need to start consider the consequences of their action before executing it. This was almost suicidal. What was i thinking?!?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I'm always tired.

How hard is it to take a person's word at its face value?

That the spoken words bears no other hidden agenda behind it. That the five words spoken is also the same five words heard at other end? How hard is it? It's not easy. Never is.

For once, can we just ignore the suppose subtle meaning? Just forget what others have to say and just do what we want to do. Leave these shackles and chains behind. We were a free all along, with the wings to fly and the claws to hunt and the roar to intimidate predators but still, we let minor defect keep us down. Ah, a little speck on black on our feathers and we're afraid to soar among our kind, afraid of what others will say. And we are afraid to hunt, when we have one toe less than everyone. We even shuffle about meekly, afraid that our imperfect voice will evoke smirks of "ugly voice" from our fellow friends. But damn it, why can't anyone understand?!? It's all just hearsay! Words that are meaningless if we don't take it seriously. Does anyone ever realise this?

I'm tired. Already is too tired of these charades, these insecurities, these peoples telling lies that even a charlatan can't sell, these senseless weighting of other people's valueless opinions, this life.

Careful, I'm staring at you!

I've been observing the traffic lately. And i found out something.

Those cars. Yeah, those cars with the "Amo Amitabha" stickers with an ugly looking lotus stuck at the back of their car. You're a menace to the general public. More specifically, you're a bloody menace to me.

It's a wonder that these drivers while professing their upmost love to the religion(i'll stereotype all religion preaches peace etc. well, you should know where i'm going), drives erratically with their extrahumpingly huge Harrier(is there such big car?) bullying into your lane.

And when they get into your lane, what do you see!? Yeah, "Amo Amitabha". Yeps, that's what the driver says everytime he did something stuntlike to someone else on the road. It's as if these chants are used to protect the vehicle from their penchant for stunt.

*Perform a slow stuntlike 180 degrees U-turn into a fast incoming Kancil.

And what do you hear him say? "Amo Amitabha"

Yeps, it's menacing. It's a threat. It's almost becoming like a religion by itself. It's growing and the stickers are selling like hot cakes.

And for these deviant drivers, let's have something amicable solution for them. Let's create a win - win situation. Let's have an "Amo Amitabha" chanting day session.

And with yellow paint in hand. Paint them yellow. Any car idiotic enough to have this "Amo Amitabha" sticker staring down at you when they bully you, paint them.

This way we can't blame them. I can see a bloody shinny vehicle coming my way. And i'll gladly let him cut my lane. Now careful, i'm getting yellow paint tomorrow.

That fool. That stupid fool.

It is small. But it weaves a tale so whole that only a fool can miss it. Still, a fool managed to ignore it. It takes a while to weave such amount of love and care into something so small that others might just give it up as a lost cause. Still, persistent is there but love kept it going. Smile shone onto every thread entwine with endearment and the lighted face that will surely be enough to keep the weaver going. For that, devotion stood up and gave a curtsy bow cause it's an effort matchless by any others.

Every knot knits an unbelievable amount of loving words that needless to be utterred. The shape, a future that's yet to come. Every color, a different emotions that's to be shared for the lifetime of eternity.

And now every little knot that forms the foundation of the tale, is akin a sharp thrust of knife into the heart of the blind fool. The shape, a future that's residing in the past. Every color that the fool choosed to forsake now haunts the fool for callousness in appreciating them.

Damn. That indifferent fool. Frigid to things that's obvious. Uncaring when it matters the most. Placid when it matters the most.

When all the fool ever need to do was just to show a tinge of appreciation. Just a dash. Even a mere dot. It would sufficed. It would. And the fool failed.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Sometimes i do wonder whether i'm the cause for some of the things that goes on in my life, cause i can't see what have i done to really cause it.

Guess, I'll just have to take the blame then.

Monday, March 07, 2005

A try then

You know it's quite difficult to blog when the moment you put your fingers on the keyboard, all the thoughts deep within you surfaced and want to be let out onto the blog.

"It's more like an emotional theraphy", according to much more older friend of mine, which is totally true for me, for my past few blogs.

But i'm banking on the fact that i'll reveal this small little cyberhome of mine to the rest of the world one day to maybe (?) change my style of writing.

I'm counting on it. You know to spur me to maybe type out something about my plans to start a gay detectiong agency, or a specialised brand for a hair gel that cater only to all the dumb "ah beng" drivers out there. Well, let's see what'll happen then k? ;P

Turning... again.

I've started quite number of blogs for the past year. I guess it have as much to do with the everchanging different phase of life that i'm going through for the past year.

Every blog represent the feeling that I experiencing at that time. It had a mix of emotional outpour that I would rather it be kept private. I've been finding it hard word a positive blog due to all its past content. So it's a time to let go the other blogs as another phase of my life come to an end.

It will stay though, in the internet, which is forever, constantly there to remind me of what i had gone through, and for the future, something for me to look back and fondly remember what was me.

So here's a carrot juice toast to another new blog!