Saturday, July 30, 2005

Come on God RECORRECT these!!!

You noticed haven't you?! No?!?

I mean. Come on! It's obvious, it's already a malady. It's over used!

And what do you mean that you still can't see it?!?

Geez, I mean, have you been seeing those chinese kung fu movie? Shit hell, it's getting ridiculous and too predictable nowadays watching these chinese movie. It all started from that "Hidden Dragon, Crouching Tiger" thingy where every little Tom, Dick, and Hairy in that movie can fly/float/jump up the peak of a bamboo. After that, it's a must for every movie and drama that comes out to showcase these "incredible" kung fu talent even though they COULD NOT properly pull the scene off and only succeeding in making a fool out of their show. Everyone must fly/float/jump up the peak of that bamboo or else it's not a kung fu movie. Bah and BAH!

It's over use godamnit! Come on, have you actually really seen anyone flying around for real?!?!
Go back guys. Back to the basic. The ol' skool. The kung fu where they don't need flying stunt to properly showcase it. The kung fu where the sword play is for real, where it really involve skills. Where it's the actual representation of how the actual world goes.

Have a look at those old Jackie Chan movies. If I were to be given a choice between these flying shits and the ol Jackie Chan movie, I'll take that Jackie Chan movie all the way to my bed.


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