Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I was showering happily when I heard the news. Suddenly the whole world around me seems much more gloomier. That urge to happily dig my nose shit suddenly evaporate. And I realise how significant this news is to my life. How everything will never be the same again. To further amplify the magnitude of the situation, I'll quote an oldie song that I used to listen:

"Why does the bird keep on singing?
When the sun doesn't shine."

Tomorrow, one of Malaysia's most endeared citizen will depart the country.

A person so rugged that it'll take more than a bulldozer to crush him literally. The one and the only known person in this world to have obtained Emperor Ngiam's sacred leg hair and lick it (and frame it beside his convocation picture... don't think I don't know). Yet, he's a romancer that when he lick his finger and comb his hair (on his head), all girls will fall head over heels for him. Yupz, he's almost the complete person. The perfect one.

And he's flying off to greener pasture. To Hong Kong, for more adventure. For even more girls. And even even more fling. Imagine yourselve a cow, and all over you, surrounding you, tasty green grass for your consumption. That is what Hong Kong will be like for him.

My dear friend. I hope that you'll be surrounded by girls in Hong Kong and loving it. Or else, I truly hope that you rest in peace. Amen

Now everyone, let's alltogether share a moment of silence for the departed.

Malaysian Citizen
1981 - Oct 2005


Blogger badguyjk said...

yo, bro! thx a lot!! hope u RIP oso...

10:55 PM  
Blogger ^o^ Kim Own said...

na mo~ na mo~ na mo~

12:15 AM  

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