Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Lovely day

Exited my workplace and saw a huge jam.

Look about and saw that the cause of the jam is as previously describe:

The Roundabout

Some impatient motorist started to honking futilely.

Nobody's will be going anywhere. Everyone in the roundabout can't go anywhere because idiots from incoming lane keep trying to go into roundabout and at the same time blocking the exiting car's path.

I had a very hearty laugh back to my car.

Really enjoy seeing people(albeit idiots) torturing themselves.

Must have been some kind of a sadist my previous life.

Monday, March 20, 2006

End-Weekend feelings

I can't really describe this feeling come the end of weekend and approaching Monday.

However, I can tell you that it involves an urge to buy a mass of RM3 million jackpot lotto ticket worth RM3 each.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Post Fuel Blame Game

Oh come on. Get real. Complaining non-stop about it. When will you stop?

I'll tell you what I think. I think 30 cents is too little. In fact, we should increase it by RM1. The higher the better.

It's simple really.

You genius have managed to relate(correctly) the sudden price increase of fuel price to your cup of teh tarik(and every other things) and lament about it to everyone around the your vincinity. I'm in awe of your prowess.

Well, I guess you must have conveniently left your brain in your toilet bowl when it comes to realising that if presently a sudden increase can cause such domino effect, doesn't that means that in the past, we have been drinking government subsidized teh tarik?

Now, get a brain and ponder on the above properly before you start protesting over it, dimwit.

But if you ask me who's fault is it, without a doubt I'll finger our Mr Government. Why? Cause they have been a bunch of twits to keep our fuel price at such a low level for the past few years.

With fuel subsidized so much and price of other items kept at a lower rate as a result of it, this creates an illusion of us having tremendous purchasing power when in the actual current reality, we don't really have it.

When this happens, our dear rakyat friend contrives to live a lavish lifestyle. An entry level salaryman when presented with a choice of Kancil and Honda, vainly(pre-fuel increase) decided on the petrol guzzling(comparison) foreign make on pretext of investment for quality because of the government fuel subsidy which created an illusion that a RM2345 salary is more than enough to cater for this exuberant lifestyle.

And then BAM! Come PRICE INCREASE. Have to pay additional RM200 per month for petrol. And there you see. That Mr Salaryman, a wonderful fusion of idioticity in part of the government and Mr Salaryman himself, at the street in front of KLCC, protesting over the fuel hike.

What a great combination of idioticity.

When you take a break, don't get a Kit Kat. Go get a brain.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Your ray of light

To all my cherished friends,

You are all constantly in my mind. I have already procured your Christmas/birthday a few months in advance. When the time comes, you won't be seeing me scurrying around like some rat trying to find you a wonderful gift. YOU WILL BE THE ONE SCURRYING AROUND!!!

My benevolence nature has shown through again.

Again, the veil of darkness penetrated by the bright ray called Ngiam.

Yours Truly,
Ngiam SW

Monday, March 06, 2006

Song review: The Adulterous Rat Song

I don't know what it is called. But lately, it had become contagious in the same way as the bird flu. Hazardous. It's this idiotic song about some kampung rat having an affair with some rice paddy.

I can't really understand Chinese that well, but hell, you don't need a Mandarin scholar to tell you the deep meaning of it. Hereby, I've taken the liberty to help enlighten those who totally don't understand English.(Now, don't you ever say I never do anything for the community anymore)

This rat song is about a horny kampung rat having an adulterous affair with some innocent paddy rice lying around Sekinchan. This union result in a horde of rice paddy scurrying around with 4 legs which looks strangely alike a rat's leg. The descendant of the rat and paddy rice survive by riding the back of a very single minded chicken determine to change the face of planet Earth.

Unexpectedly they forge a lifelong connection, one whose complications, joys and tragedies provide a testament to the endurance and power of love. (Guess where I stole this line from?)

Kilometer by kilometer they travel to the city of Kuala Lumpur. Until one day, a very sympathetic midget basketball player wannabe offered them a speedy ride to where their goal.

I can't remember much after this. What I can remember is that somewhere near the end, there's the sentence "flash of a knife". And it ended with something about a tasty chicken rice.

Yeah, a totally senseless and unromantic song. And yet an innumberable of gAh Bengs are sprouting up everywhere trying to get lucky with their girlfriends by serenading this song. This is it guys, the moment before our country fall into utter chaos with gAh Beng and Lians copulating openly all over Jalan Imbi and a sudden birth of 3 million babies 9 months onwards.

Just like the gAh Bengs, these morally corrupting songs should be banned.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

So Hollow

Can't really exactly figure this out, but there's this pondering feeling whenever the ending of a certain song comes out.

Reminds you of wistful thoughts that you had long ago. Of things that you held dearly. Subsequently to be unmasked as nothing but emptiness.

Of events that you are sure will never stop you. Later to succumb to more than what was counted on before.

So hollow.