Friday, August 05, 2005

News and People.

Easy isn't it? To proclaim yourself the expert based on conversation with another person.

Verification? Confirmation from other more established source?

Certainly not important right? Not when you can flaunt your "expertise" for the all to see.

Sometimes there should be an ability to differentiate facts and opinions. The experience and word of only one person on a certain issue cannot be used as the one and only judgemental tool when there are others who experience the said issue in a different manner.

Fact is something that has been found to be sure. Like the gravity. It's a fact.

Opinions are something that is expressed from someone's thought. Something that could be true but can be untrue too. Like when Gina said that by having sprout of hair on Moon's chin, she's HIV positive. That's an opinion.

Truth and myth merge when people, unable to separate an opinion or hearsay (or due to the urge of being "in the know") decided to pass it off as facts to others. Causing numerable damage and misunderstanding. This is where misconception of certain issues/things/services/peoples emerge. And this is how some wonderful great issues/things/services/peoples goes down in flame.

Just because of some brainless puppet.
Just because of the need to brush up somes ego.
Just because some felt the need to.


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