Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The encounter

This morning started out like every other morning that I've always encountered. There's a sun shining. So I started out like how I would approach every other working day. I drove. Never would I expect that my life will never be the same anymore after today's morning. Below, is the chronicles of the events that changed my life. And the morning golden sun shall never be the same for me anymore.

I was driving my car in a non-threatening way, oblivious to all the murderous road rage that is happening all around me when at a road coming into the main road which I was driving happily on, a green waja suddenly appeared and took a turn out from the smaller road. With it's whole body blocking one lane of the road, the driver turned it's(gender unable to be acertain) head and spotted..... me (in my white kancil) and promptly...... applied emergency brake and stopped.

That was the moment when I entered into the state of ke-'WTF'-kan and time around me slow 100,000 times. I took my time stepping out of my speeding car and walked to the green waja's driver window. The driver still have this smug face when I open the waja's door and politely asked;

" There's a freaking speeding car coming towards you just as you're coming out of a turn. And you stopped your shitty car in the middle of the road and...... just look back? You're more than an idiot aren't you?"

As the time was passing in nanoseconds for the driver, it gave a barely audible sound in reply and I promptly gave the driver a headbutt and a few quick blow with my car lock onto its groin(to ensure destruction of reproductive organ, prevents further breeding of idiots)

I suavely stepped back into my car and swerved into the other lane to avoid it. The frontblinded gAh Beng speeding behind my car immediately ram into the green waja and exploded in flames, vaporising both idiots in an instant. Ahh, talking about killing two birds with one stone.

And I drove satisfyingly to work and live happily ever after.

The End.


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