Sunday, November 06, 2005

Pangkor I Shall Return

It was a bright shiny day and we were confident of making Pangkor our conquest. Our invasion plan was easy. Take a kayak, peddle over there, stick a flag with Emperor Ngiam's face on it and declare it the conquest.

But alas, strong wave pushed us back. For those who are interested in our failed pursuit, I've managed to find this picture off Google Earth which presented the aerial view of Pangkor Island off the coast of Teluk Batik. The circle marks the Pangkor Island. The arrow shows where we started and ended. God damn far away from Teluk Batik.

For those who are interested to join me for my next expedition to Pangkor Island please send an email to the address below and I'll reply promptly.

Google Earth. You really believe it?!? That Pangkor really look like that?!?

If you answer a "yes" to any of the above question, please send your name and details to the email below. Great fame and reward awaits you.

If your answer is a "no" to both question, I'm disappointed to announce that you didn't strike any jackpot in any kind. You are given permission though to guess how the picture came about with no winning prize for the first or second or subsequent winner.


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