Friday, August 19, 2005

Ngiam News

What new for Ngiam lately?

Well on the Interview front, things have been looking up lately. In spite of a horrendous shit up initially, he managed to pull all his shit together at the last moment and crawl himself into the halfway point of a management trainee programme.

He got a call for an airline company today.

And he's been considered for another 3 companies in an online job agency.

Not bad for a self confessed slacker.

Things are indeed sunny bright in this department.

On the Finance department, it have been a downward spiral ever since he stopped his part time.

But of course he's looking forward to a substantial increase once the Interview front manage to pull its shit together.

All in all, it's a little hazy here. In need of a little rain or else it'll choke itself to death.

On the Physical section, things have been a rollercoaster ride. A sudden rush of physical exertion to be coupled by days of inanimation.

Like usual the CEO of Physical section promised improvement and have cracked the whipped. But it remains to be seen whether this will translate into the needed result.

It's as if this department owns a weather controlling device. A sudden thunderstorm and minutes later bright smilly sun shinny day. Indeed an unpredictable department.

Well, this is all the news of Ngiam at all front. Tune in at a later date(next year maybe?) for more updates.

This is Ngiam reporting. Over and out.


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